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抗CD61单克隆抗体 (β3, GPIIIa)
抗原CD61,也称为β3亚基,是一种整合素家族蛋白,与αIIb或αV亚基配对,这对于由内而外由内而外的信号均对细胞粘附有重要作用。 αIIbβ3整联蛋白(即糖蛋白(GP)IIbIIIa)是血小板聚集的中心受体。 αVβ3整联蛋白在血管生成中起关键作用。 我们的抗CD61单克隆抗体是从纯化的重组人β3整联蛋白免疫的β3基因敲除小鼠中分离得到的杂交瘤细胞。

β3-/- mice were immunized with wild-type mouse platelets or purified human β3 integrin. Isotype and binding to platelets were analyzed by a flow cytometric assay by using washed platelets pre-incubated with 5ug/mL of monoclonal antibodies and then incubated with FITC-conjugated anti-mouse -IgG, -IgG1, -IgG2a, -IgG2b and IgG3. M: mouse, H: human, R: rat, P: pig
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